Beloved Daughters

Beloved Daughters is a set of thirty posters, based on Fazal Sheikh’s research for his books Moksha and Ladli, which use portraits and texts to document cases of ill treatment and abuse suffered by women of all ages in India.

One thousand sets, with texts in English and Hindi, were distributed to charities and non-governmental organizations across India working for the rights of women in the hope that they would be used in support groups, in hospitals and doctors' surgeries and among local communities.

Originated as part of the International Human Rights Series, this initiative was supported by the Open Society Institute, New York, in collaboration with ActionAid India and the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation, Paris. 

Image Gallery


Produced by the International Human Rights Series (IHRS) and supported by the Soros Foundation /Open Society Institute (OSI), ActionAid India, and the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation, Paris.

Design: Fazal Sheikh with Simone Eggstein
30 posters, each 89 x 127 cm plus 16pp booklet with texts in English and Hindi
Clothbound clamshell portfolio case
92 tri-tone plates
Publication date: 2008 

Online Edition

In order to bring his projects and the issues involved in them to a wide international audience, Fazal Sheikh has made his publications available on line.


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