31°27′3″N / 34°36′55″E
October 10, 2011. Sown and irrigated wheat fields of Moshav Yoshivia. The fields are watered by a drip irrigation system developed in Israel that enables the water to be effectively distributed to the root of the plant, thus economizing in arid areas such as the Negev (see 14). The fields lie between three moshav-type villages built after 1948: Yoshivia, established in 1950 for immigrants from Algeria; Zru‛a, established in 1953 for immigrants from Morocco; and Talmei Bilu, also established in 1953, for immigrants from Kurdistan. They are built on lands previously part of the villages of al-Muḥarraqa, al-Gatātwe, and al-‛Urūr, cultivated by the Tiyāha tribe, which was expelled in the winter of 1948–49 as part of Operation Yoʼav (see 7). Ownership of the area is currently claimed by the Bedouins.