31°1′5″N / 34°57′5″E
November 14, 2011. Remnants of an extension to the Bedouin village of Rakhma, of the ‛Azāzme tribe. The multiple circular stains indicate the earlier presence of sire (see 10), which were removed and reconstructed several times. The gradient of saturation indicates how many rainy seasons/years have washed away at the stains. The faded circle in the lower right indicates that it is older, while the one in the upper left is darker, and the most recent is the one at the center, where the fertilization blankets the soil, not yet melding with the desert. A faint fourth circle may be detected just to the left of the lower one. The light manual plowing or “scratching” of the ground is indicative of ongoing Bedouin cultivation. In the absence of mechanized watering systems, the crops are watered by hand. The site is now officially within a closed military live-fire training zone. Despite this restriction, the Bedouins maintain a presence on the land.