31°21′41″N / 34°45′54″E
October 9, 2011. Planting of the GOD TV Forest on the former land of the Bedouin village of al-‛Araqīb. GOD TV, in concert with the JNF, is planting one million trees in Israel to fulfill their millenarian prophecy to prepare the land for the return of the messiah. Along the streambed on the top left of the image, in the white area, is an old Bedouin cistern. In the lower right-hand quadrant of the image are the remains of the two-room home of Jaber al-Qawāsme, a member of the ‛Alamāt tribe, who fled his home with his family following a massacre in 1948 nearby. The house was demolished in 1948/49 so as to remove evidence of habitation and to lessen the impetus for the family to return. Villagers in the surrounding area fled in rapid succession following the news, narrated by a survivor, of a massacre of fourteen Bedouin men by a local Jewish gang in October 1948 in a house less than a kilometer from this site (the witness died of his wounds the following day).