31°18′34″N / 35°4′43″E
October 9, 2011. Excavation works at the open-pit chalk quarry beside the Arab village of al-Dreijāt, established in the nineteenth century but not recognized by the State of Israel until 2004 (see 49). The quarry is within a region that is currently under claim by the Bedouin community. As the work of the quarry intensifies and the space expands, the fine powder of the excavation reaches al-Dreijāt, covering the homes. An additional township, Marit, is being constructed nearby to house those members of the village who live outside the strict confines of al-Dreijāt. The residents of al-Dreijāt express discomfort with this new construction. One of the main concerns is the distribution of plots; the government authority has declared that only those who are married are eligible for a plot upon which to build a house.