Notes on the authors
FAZAL SHEIKH is an artist and author of fifteen monographs including A Sense of Common Ground, The Victor Weeps, Moksha, Ladli, Portraits and, most recently, The Erasure Trilogy. His work has been widely exhibited internationally at venues including Tate Modern, London; the Metropolitan Museum of Art and United Nations, New York; and the MAPFRE Foundation, Madrid. He is a fellow of the MacArthur, Guggenheim, and Fulbright Foundations, and Artist-in-Residence at the Princeton Environmental Institute.
TERRY TEMPEST WILLIAMS is an American writer, educator, conservationist, and activist. Her many books include Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place, Finding Beauty in a Broken World, When Women Were Birds, The Hour of Land, and, most recently, Erosion: Essays of Undoing. Her work has appeared in the New Yorker, the New York Times, and many anthologies as a crucial voice for ecological consciousness and social change. She is a fellow of the Guggenheim Foundation, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and Writer-in-Residence at the Harvard Divinity School.