31°17′25″N / 34°52′6″E
October 4, 2011. Badlands surrounded by Israeli cultivation. The progression and expansion of the badlands (a type of terrain in which soft sedimentary rocks and clay-rich soil have been extensively eroded by water and wind) onto the farmlands increases with each season’s rain and the deepening of the gullies. The land is in the vicinity of the “unrecognized” village of al-Mikmān (unrecognized villages are areas the state views as illegal and therefore ineligible for basic services and subject to periodic house demolitions, even though the inhabitants hold Israeli citizenship), which is currently being claimed by the Bedouins as part of the former evacuated village of al-Mikmān. In 1949, following the establishment of the State of Israel, large swaths of the village were allocated to the Kibbutz Ḥevrona, which in the following years would grow into the town of ‛Omer. Some of the land was given to members of Kibbutz Shomriya, which is 20 kilometers from the land.