30°51′47″N / 34°46′43″E
October 9, 2011. Seismic experiment in the outskirts of Midreshet Ben-Gurion (also known as Midreshet Sde Boker), the educational center and boarding school in which the former Prime Minister lived until his death, and where he and his wife, Paula, are entombed. Reflection seismology is a method of exploration geophysics that employs the principles of seismology to estimate the composition of the earth’s subsurface. The method is commonly used to probe for oil or more peculiar substances. The sixteen marks around the concentric circles are the openings of vertical holes, into which geological acoustic equipment is lowered. A charge is then placed in the center hole and detonated, with the residual reverberations of the blast detected by the peripheral sensors, forming an image of what lies beneath the surface.